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EMPLOYMENT Mertie Buckman Distinguished Professor Chair, Department of International Studies, ɫTV College, 2016-present. Professor, Department of Government, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007-2016. Director of Political Science, Department of Government, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2000-2006 and 2012-2014. Responsible for internships, planning, scheduling, assessing (WEAVE data collection and evaluation), advising, and fundraising in political science. Restructured the curriculum, re-established student club. Director of International Studies, Department of Government, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2003-2010. Responsible for planning, scheduling, fundraising, internships, assessing (WEAVE data collection and evaluation), and advising for programmatic activities. Restructured the curriculum, established student club, established local chapter of national honor society, led re-accreditation process. Visiting Professor, Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po)-Grenoble, France (2014 and 2015) and London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (2007). Associate Professor, Department of Government, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2000-2007. Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Public Service, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1999-2000. Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, State University of New York-New Paltz, 1993-1998. Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Georgia, 1993. Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for East-West Trade Policy, University of Georgia, 1992-93. HONORS/AWARDS Sparkman Center for Global Health Fellow, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2015-2016. Economic and Social Research Council (UK) - Social Science Research Council (US) Collaborative Visiting Scholar, Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2010. Fulbright Scholar, German Studies Seminar, 2009. National Europe Centre Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, 2007. National Bank of Greece Senior Research Fellow, Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, 2007. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Adjunct Scholar, Southeast Europe Project, 2006. William J. Clinton Distinguished Fellowship, institutional nominee, 2006. Policy Studies Organization Fellow, 2005. Michael S. Dukakis Chair Lecturer, American College of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2005. Certificate for Outstanding Teaching in Political Science, American Political Science Association and Pi Sigma Alpha, 2003. Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2003. Ron B. Casey Fellow, Metropolitan Development Board, Birmingham, 2001. Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award, State University of New York-New Paltz, 1997. Major Award for Publications, State University of New York-New Paltz, 1996. Samuel H. Beer Dissertation Prize, British Politics Group, 1995. Major Award for Publications, State University of New York-New Paltz, 1994. Phi Kappa Phi. Sigma Iota Rho, international studies honor society. Phi Beta Delta, national honor society for international scholars. Valedictorian, Slippery Rock University, 1984. PUBLICATIONS Books Handbook on European Public Policy (ed. with Laurie Buonanno), London: Routledge, under contract. Between Power and Plenty? The European Union in the 21st Century, Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, under contract. Handbook on Public Policy Agenda Setting (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2016. Frameworks of the European Unions Policy Process: Competition and Complementarity across the Theoretical Divide (ed.). Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2013. State Subsidies in the Global Economy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Essence of Political Manipulation: Emotion, Institutions, and Greek Foreign Policy. New York: Peter Lang, 2005. Ambiguity and Choice in Public Policy: Political Decision-Making in Modern Democracies. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003. Contending Perspectives in International Political Economy (ed.) (translated in Chinese and distributed by Peking University Press, 2004). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1999. Theory, Case, and Method in Comparative Politics (ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1997. Markets, States, and Public Policy: Privatization in Britain and France. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1995. Articles Values as Barriers to Compromise? Ideology, Transnational Coalitions, and Distributive Bargaining in Negotiations over the Third Greek Bailout. International Negotiation, forthcoming. Bargaining Power and Negotiation Strategy: Examining the Greek Bailouts, 2010-2015. Journal of European Public Policy, 2016, DOI 10.1080/13501763.2016.1154977. Powering over Puzzling? Downsizing the Public Sector during the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2013.861971. Delphic Oracles: Ambiguity, Institutions, and Multiple Streams. Policy Sciences, 49 (1) 2016, pp. 3-12. Policies that Succeed and Programs that Fail? Ambiguity, Conflict, and Crisis in Greek Higher Education (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). Policy Studies Journal, 44 (1) 2016, pp. 59-82. A River Runs Through It: A Multiple Streams Meta-Review (with Michael D. Jones, Holly L. Peterson, Jonathan J. Pierce, Nicole Herweg, Amiel Bernal, and Holly Lamberta). Policy Studies Journal, 44 (1) 2016, pp. 13-36. Greeces Trouble with EU Accession (with Akis Kalaitzidis). Cahiers de la Mditerrane, 90 (June) 2015, pp. 71-84. The Shield of Herakles: Multiple Streams and the Emotional Endowment Effect. European Journal of Political Research, 54 (3) 2015, pp. 466-481. Platos Receptacle: Deadlines, Ambiguity, and Temporal Sorting in Public Policy. Leviathan, 30 (2015), pp. 113-131. Quid pro Quo: Political Trust and Policy Implementation in Greece during the Age of Austerity (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). Politics & Policy, 42 (1) 2014, pp. 160-183. Leading Reform amidst Transboundary Crises: Lessons from Greece. Public Administration, 91 (3) 2013, pp. 648-662. Multiple Streams and the EU Policy Process (with Robert Ackrill and Adrian Kay). Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (6) 2013, pp. 871-887. Reprinted as a chapter in Frameworks of the European Unions Policy Process: Competition and Complementarity across the Theoretical Divide. Nikolaos Zahariadis (ed.) Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2013. Building Better Theoretical Frameworks of the European Unions Policy Process, Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (6) 2013, 807-816. Reprinted as a chapter in Frameworks of the European Unions Policy Process: Competition and Complementarity across the Theoretical Divide. Nikolaos Zahariadis (ed.) Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2013. The Politics of Risk-Sharing: Fiscal Federalism and the Greek Debt Crisis. Journal of European Integration, 35 (3) 2013, pp. 271-285. Reprinted as a chapter in Redefining European Economic Governance. Michele Chang, Georg Menz, and Mitchell P. Smith (eds.) Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2014. Winners and Losers in EU State Aid Policy. Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade, 13 (1) 2013, pp. 143-158. National Fiscal Profligacy and European Institutional Adolescence: The Greek Trigger to Europes Sovereign Debt Crisis. Government & Opposition, 48 (1) 2013, pp. 33-54. Complexity, Coupling, and Policy Effectiveness: The European Response to the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis. Journal of Public Policy, 32 (2) 2012, pp. 99-116. Greeces Debt Crisis: A National Tragedy of European Proportions. Mediterranean Quarterly, 21 (4) 2010, pp. 34-58. Discretion by the Rules: EU State Aid Policy and the 1999 Procedural Regulation. Journal of European Public Policy, 17 (7) 2010, pp. 954-970. Reprinted as a chapter in The Political Economy of Europes Incomplete Single Market, David Howarth and Tal Sadeh (eds.). Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 34-50. State Aid and Partisan Government in the European Union. Social Science Quarterly, 91 (2) 2010, pp. 436-454. Subsidizing Europes Industry: Is Greece the Exception? Comparative European Politics, 8 (2) 2010, pp. 244-261. Europeanization as Program Implementation: Effective and Democratic? Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 10 (3) 2008, pp. 221-238. Ambiguity and Choice in European Public Policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 15 (4) 2008, pp. 514-530. Reprinted in the virtual special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, eds. Frank Baumgartner and Petya Alexandrova, Theoretical Models of the Policy Process at  HYPERLINK "http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/pgas/rjpp-policy-process" http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/pgas/rjpp-policy-process. Local Government and the Implementation of Alabamas Economic Development Policy (with Leslie Morgan) (Lead article). Public Administration Quarterly, 29 (1) 2005, pp. 7-31. Adaptation without Pressure? European Legislation and British Merger Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 33 (4) 2005, pp. 657-674. Policy Networks, Elections, and State Subsidies (Feature article). Review of Policy Research, 22 (2) 2005, pp. 115-131. . European Markets and National Regulation: Conflict and Cooperation in British Competition Policy. Journal of Public Policy, 24 (1) 2004, pp. 49-73. Domestic Strategy and International Choice in Negotiations between Non-Allies. Polity, 35 (July) 2003, pp. 573-594. External Interventions and Domestic Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Political Science Quarterly, 118 (Summer) 2003, pp. 259-279. Coupling, Complexity, and the Future of European Integration. Review of Policy Research, 20 (2) 2003, pp. 285-310. A Multiple Streams Explanation of U. S. Foreign Aid Policy. (with Rick Travis) Policy Studies Journal, 30 (4) 2002, pp. 495-514. The Political Economy of State Subsidies in Europe. Policy Studies Journal, 30 (2) 2002, pp. 285-298. Rethinking European Integration in the Competition Domain: A Public Policy Approach. Policy Studies Journal, 30 (2) 2002, pp. 229-239. Asset Specificity and State Subsidies in Industrialized Countries. International Studies Quarterly, 45 (4) 2001, pp. 603-616. U.S. Food Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa: Politics or Philanthropy? (with Rick Travis and James B. Ward) Social Science Quarterly, 81 (2) 2000, pp. 663-676. A Framework for Improving Greek-Turkish Relations. Mediterranean Quarterly, 11 (4) 2000, pp. 98-116. The Rise and Fall of British State Ownership: Political Pressure or Economic Reality? Comparative Politics, 31 (4) 1999, pp. 445-463. Comparing Three Lenses of Policy Choice. Policy Studies Journal, 26 (3) 1998, pp. 434-448. Why State Subsidies? Evidence from European Community Countries, 1981-86. International Studies Quarterly, 41 (2) 1997, pp. 341-354. Papandreous NATO Policy: Continuity or Change? (with Akis Kalaitzidis) Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 23 (1) 1997, pp. 105-116. Selling British Rail: An Idea Whose Time has Come? Comparative Political Studies, 29 (4) 1996, pp. 400-422. Greek Policy toward the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 1991-95. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 14 (2) 1996, pp. 303-327. Ideas, Networks, and Policy Streams: Privatization in Britain and Germany. (with Christopher S. Allen) Policy Studies Review, 14 (1/2) 1995, pp. 71-98. Toward a More Meaningful Dialogue Between International Relations and Comparative Politics. International Studies Notes, 20 (3) 1995, pp. 23-28. Nationalism and Small State Foreign Policy: The Greek Response to the Contemporary Macedonian Issue. Political Science Quarterly, 109 (3) 1994, pp. 647-667. Is the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia a Security Threat to Greece? Mediterranean Quarterly, 5 (1) 1994, pp. 84-105. Politics, Culture, and Social Science. Balkan Studies, 34 (2) 1993, pp. 301-307. To Sell or not to Sell? Telecommunications Policy in Britain and France. Journal of Public Policy, 12 (4) 1992, pp. 355-376. Arms for Aid: The Impact of Superpower Economic Assistance on Military Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa. (with Rick Travis) International Interactions, 17 (3) 1992, pp. 233-243. Military Substitution Effects of Foreign Economic Aid: Buying Guns with Foreign Butter? (with Rick Travis and Paul F. Diehl) Social Science Quarterly, 71 (4) 1990, pp. 774-785. Book Chapters Agenda-Setting and Multiple Streams (with Paul Cairney). In Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting, Nikolaos Zahariadis (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: 2016. Setting the Agenda on Agenda Setting: Definitions, Concepts, and Controversies. In Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting, Nikolaos Zahariadis (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: 2016. Bounded Rationality and Garbage Can Models of the Policy Process. In Contemporary Policy Approaches: Theories, Controversies and Perspectives, Philippe Zittoun and B. Guy Peters (eds.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming. Political Leadership, Multiple Streams and the Emotional endowment Effect: A Comparison between American and Greek Foreign Policies. In Decision-Making under Ambiguity and Time Constraints: Assessing the Multiple Streams Framework, Reimut Zohlnhfer and Friedbert Rb (eds.). Colchester, UK: European Consortium for Political Research Press, 2016, pp. 147-166. Scalar Effects and Transnational Networks: The Arab Spring and the Global Response (with Akis Kalaitzidis). In Local Politics, Global Impacts: Steps to a Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Scales, Olivier Charnoz, Virginie Diaz Pedregal, and Alan L. Colata (eds.). Farnham, UK and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015, pp. 137-153. Greek Austerity and EU Influence. In The European Union and the Member States, Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro (eds.). 3rd ed. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2015. Less is More: International Cooperation in Transatlantic Competition. In The New Transatlanticism:Politics and Policy Perspectives, Laurie Buonnano, Natalia Cuglesan, and Keith Henderson (eds.). London: Routledge, 2015. Penelope Unraveling: US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under the Obama Administration. In The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power. Spyridon N. Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris (eds.). Surrey, UK and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015, pp. 79-91. Ambiguity and Multiple Streams. In Theories of the Policy Process, Paul A. Sabatier and Christopher M. Weible (eds.). 3rd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2014. Explaining Institutional Change during Europes Financial Crisis, 2008-2012 (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). In Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance, Toni Haastrup and Yong-Soo Eun (eds.). London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Industrial Subsidies: Surveying Macroeconomic Policy Approaches. In State Aid for Newspapers: Theories, Cases, Actions, Paul Murschetz (ed.). New York and Berlin: Springer, 2014. Runaway Bureaucracy? Commission Power and Horizontal State Aid Policy. In Developments in the European Union, Yannis Stivachtis (ed.). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2010. Globalization, Domestic Politics, and State Aids. In Global Politics at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century, Akis Kalaitzidis (ed.). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2009. The Multiple Streams Framework: Structure, Limitations, Prospects. In Theories of the Policy Process, Paul A. Sabatier (ed.). 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2007. Greece: A Most Enthusiastic, Reluctant European. In The European Union and the Member States, Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro (eds.). 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2006. Greece: A European Paradox. (with Chris Markou and George Nakos) In The European Union and the Member States, Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro (eds.). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2001. Ambiguity, Time, and Multiple Streams. In Theories of the Policy Process, Paul A. Sabatier (ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview, 1999. Monographs and Edited Symposia Guest Editor, special issue on Multiple Streams, Policy Sciences, forthcoming. Building Better Frameworks of the European Unions Policy Process. Guest editor of symposium published at the Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (6) 2013. Reprinted as an edited book with Routledge. Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). Hellenic Observatory GreeSE Paper on Greece and Southeastern Europe, No. 65. London: London School of Economics, 2012. Politics, Labour, Regulation & Performance: Lessons from the Privatization of OTE (with George Pagoulatos). Hellenic Observatory GreeSE Paper on Greece and Southeastern Europe, No. 46. London: London School of Economics, 2011. Subsidizing Europes Industry: Is Greece the Exception? Hellenic Observatory GreeSE Paper on Greece and Southeastern Europe, No. 3. London: London School of Economics, 2007. European Integration and National Competition Policy: Is this the End of British Exceptionalism? Working Paper of the European Union Center. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 2002. European Competition Policy. Edited symposium in Policy Studies Journal 30 (2) 2002. State Subsidies in Europe. Working Paper of the European Union Center of the University of Georgia System. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000. British Privatization under Conservative Government: Causes and Consequences. Center for European Studies Working Paper. New York: New York University, 1997. Book Reviews The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation, by Aristotle Tziampiris. Book review in Mediterranean Quarterly, 26 (3) 2015, pp. 123-126. Globalization and Competition: Why Some Emergent Countries Succeed while Others Fall Behind, by Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira. Book review in Poverty and Public Policy, 7 (1) 2015, pp. 90-92. Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy of Debt and Destruction, by Vassilis K. Fouskas and Constantine Dimoulas. Book review in Mediterranean Quarterly, 25 (4) 2014, pp. 147-150. Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of Religion in Culture, Ethnicity and Politics, by Victor Roudometof and Vasilios N. Makrides, eds. Book review in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 14 (4) 2012, pp. 476-478. Policy Framing in the European Union, by Falk Daviter. Book review in EUSA Review, 25 (2) 2012, pp. 18-20. The Holy Places of Jerusalem in Middle East Peace Agreements: The Conflict between Global and State Identities, by Enrico Molinaro. Book review in Digest of Middle East Studies, 19 (April) 2010, pp. 126-129. A World of Chance: Betting on Religion, Games, Wall Street, by Reuven Brenner, Gabrielle A. Brenner, and Aaron Brown. Book review in Perspectives on Politics, 7 (3) 2009, pp. 708-709. Public Policy: Continuity and Change, by Carter A. Wilson. Book review in Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 8 (3) 2006, pp. 305-306. Universities and the Europe of Knowledge: Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in European Union Higher Education Policy, 1955-2005, by Anne Corbett. Book review in West European Politics, 29 (4) 2006, pp. 848-849. Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente, by Ali Carkoglu and Barry Rubin, eds. Book review in Political Science Quarterly, 121 (Spring) 2006, pp. 160-161. The Politics of Elite Transformation: The Consolidation of Greek Democracy in Comparative Perspective, by Neovi M. Karakatsanis; Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe, by P. Nikiforos Diamandouros and Richard Gunther, eds.; and The Social Psychology of Party Behaviour, by Anna Triandafyllidou. Book review in Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 23 (2) 2005, pp. 412-417. Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition, by Bent Flyvbjerg, Nils Bruzelius, and Werner Rothengatter. Book review in Perspectives on Politics, 2 (3) 2004, pp. 609-610. Realpolitik in the Eastern Mediterranean, by Chris P. Ioannides. Book review in Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 22 (Summer) 2002, pp. 109-112. Privatization and Deregulation of Transport, by Bill Bradshaw and Helen Lawton Smith, eds. Book review in British Politics Group Newsletter, 107 (Winter) 2002, pp. 18-19. Competing for Capital: Europe and North America in a Global Era, by Kenneth P. Thomas. Book review in EUSA Review, 15 (Winter) 2002, pp. 17-19. European Industrial Policy and Competitiveness: Concepts and Instruments, by Thomas C. Lawton, ed.; and The European Automobile Industry: Multi-level Governance, Policy, and Politics, by Andrew M. McLaughlin and William A. Maloney. Book review in ECSA Review, 13 (Summer) 2000, pp. 15-16. Geopolitical and Economic Changes in Balkan Countries, by Nicholas V. Giannaris. Book review in Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 16 (1) 1998, pp. 166-167. Industrial Organization in the European Union, by Stephen Davies and Bruce Lyons; and After Liberalisation, by Christopher J. S. Gentle. Book reviews in ECSA Bulletin, X (Summer) 1997, pp. 16-17. Towards Welfare Pluralism: Public Service in a Time of Change, by Nirmala Rao; and Power and Privatization: Choice and Competition in the Remaking of the British Democracy, by Joel D. Wolfe. Book review in British Politics Group Newsletter, 86 (Fall) 1996, pp. 25-28. Cash, Crisis, and Corporate Governance: The Role of National Financial Systems in Industrial Restructuring, by Victoria Marklew. Book review in American Political Science Review, 90 (3) 1996, pp. 677-678. The Southeast European Yearbook, 1991; 1992; 1993, by Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). Book reviews in Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 22 (Fall) 1995, pp. 160-165. Comparing Lenses in Comparative Public Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 23 (2) 1995, pp. 378-382. Nationalism and Communism in Macedonia, by Evangelos Kofos. Book review in Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 13 (2) 1995, pp. 360-362. Economic Integration in Latin America: 1984 Report, by Inter-American Development Bank. Book review in GeoJournal, 14 January 1987, p. 140. Published Academic Commentary The Greek Refugee Crisis. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, edited by Lon Felker and Paul Trogen, Springer, forthcoming. The Multiple Streams Framework (with Spiros Protopsaltis). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, 3rd edition. London: Taylor and Francis. The Streams Metaphor of the Policy Process. Entry included in American Governance. Problem Identification in the Policy Process. Entry included in American Governance. Policy Entrepreneurs. Entry included in American Governance. Media and Political Communication in Times of Crisis: Is Greece Unique? The Political Communication Report, 22 (2) 2012:  HYPERLINK "http://www.politicalcommunication.org/newsletter_22_2_feature.html" http://www.politicalcommunication.org/newsletter_22_2_feature.html. Greeces Debt Crisis: National Failure or EU Shortcoming? EUSA Review, 23 (2) 2010, pp. 12-16. Public Policy Formation Under Conditions of Ambiguity. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003. The Comparative Turn in Policy Studies. Policy Currents, 10 (3) 2000, pp. 3-6. The Dialogue between International Relations and Comparative Politics: A Rejoinder to Breuning and Ishiyama. International Studies Notes, 21 (3) 1996, pp. 24-26. Is There a Viable Solution to the Macedonian Issue? (with Chris Markou and Spyridoula Makarouni) Oikonomikos Tachydromos (in Greek), 2 November 1995, pp. 35-37. British Privatization in the 1990s: Issues and Prospects. British Politics Group Newsletter, 81 (Summer) 1995, pp. 12-13. Garbage Cans and the Hiring Process. PS: Political Science and Politics, 27 (1) 1994, pp. 98-99. A Response to Karakasidous Negating Culture in Greek Macedonia. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 12 (1) 1994, pp. 167-168. WORK IN PROGRESS Ambiguity and Strategy in Crisis: Policy Windows, Narratives and Symbolic Politics (with Stella Ladi). Manuscript in progress. Multiple Streams and European Public Policy (with Nicole Herweg). In Handbook of European Public Policy, Nikolaos Zahariadis and Laurie Buonanno (eds.). London: Routledge, under contract. Resisting in Times of Crisis: The Implementation of European Rigor Plans in Ireland and Greece (with Clment Fontan and Sabine Saurugger). In Handbook of European Public Policy, Nikolaos Zahariadis and Laurie Buonanno (eds.). London: Routledge, under contract. CONFERENCE PAPERS Paper Presentations Policy Windows and Negotiations over the Greek Debt. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section-International Studies Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016. An Overview of the Greek Debt Crisis. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, 2016. Values as Barriers to International Negotiations: Distributive Bargaining in Negotiations over the Third Greek Bailout. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association-South, Tampa, FL, 2015. Policies that Succeed and Programs that Fail? Ambiguity, Conflict, and Crisis in Greek Higher Education. Paper prepared for presentation at the biennial conference of the European Union Studies Association, Boston, MA, 2015. Network Creation and Organizational Success: The Case of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women before and after the Tunisian Revolution (with Lamia Benyoussef). Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2015. Policies that Succeed and Programs that Fail? Ambiguity, Conflict, and Crisis in Greek Higher Education. Paper prepared for presentation at the 5th conference of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014. Powering over Puzzling? Labor Reserve Policy and the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association-South, Charlotte, NC, 2013. Deadlines, Ambiguity, and Temporal Sorting in Public Policy. Paper prepared for presentation at the workshop on Political Time at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany, 2013. Bounded Rationality and Garbage Can Models of Policy-Making. Paper prepared for presentation at the First International Conference on Public Policy (plenary speaker), Grenoble, France, 2013. Less is More: International Cooperation in Transatlantic Competition Policy. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the European Union Studies Association, Baltimore, MD, 2013. The Politics of Risk-Sharing: Fiscal Federalism and the Greek Debt Crisis. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the European Union Studies Association, Baltimore, MD, 2013. Multiple Streams, Political Leadership, and the Emotional Endowment Effect. Paper prepared for presentation at the joint sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Mainz, Germany, 2013. The Politics of Risk-Sharing: Fiscal Federalism and the Greek Debt Crisis. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association-South, Atlanta, GA, 2012. Explaining Institutional Change during Europes Financial Crisis, 2008-2012 (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). Paper presented at the Workshop on Regional Governance and Global Crises University of Warwick, UK, 2012. Timing, Power, and Transnational Networks: The Arab Spring and the Global Response (with Akis Kalaitzidis). Paper presented at conference on Local Politics, Global Impacts:Steps to a Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Scales, organized by the University of Chicago and the French Development Agency, Paris, France, 2012. Resisting in Times of Crisis: The Implementation of European Rigor Plans in Ireland and Greece (with Sabine Saurugger and Clment Fontan). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, 2012. Complexity, Coupling, and Policy Effectiveness: The European Response to the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, 2012. Leading Reform amidst Transboundary Crises: Lessons from Greece. Paper prepared for presentation at the workshop on European Economic Governance, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, 2012. Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity (with Theofanis Exadaktylos). Paper prepared for presentation at the workshop on The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece beyond the Crisis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 2011. Greeces Debt Crisis: A National Tragedy of European Proportions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, St. Petersburg, FL, 2010. Political Leadership and the Emotional Endowment Effect. Paper presented at the workshop on Leadership in Public Policy, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2010. UK OK? British Exceptionalism and EU State Aid Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Political Studies Association, Edinburgh, UK, 2010. Runaway Bureaucracy? Commission Power and Horizontal State Aid Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2010. Assessing EU State Aid Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association- South, Nashville, TN, 2009. Leadership and the Emotional Endowment Effect in Foreign Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada, 2009. Winners and Losers in EU State Aid Policy. Paper presented at the State Aid workshop sponsored by the Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2009. Discretion by the Rules: European State Aid Policy and the 1999 Procedural Regulation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies, Edinburgh, UK, 2008. Does the Commission Matter? State Aids in Europe. Paper presented at the 6th politics meeting of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 2008. Political Parties and State Aids. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, 2008. Partisan Ideology and State Aids in Europe. Paper presented at the 5th politics meeting of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 2007. Protection for Rent: State Subsidies and Europes Economy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Political Economy Society, Princeton, NJ, 2006. Europeanization as Program Implementation: Efficient and Democratic? Paper presented at the workshop on New Directions in Europeanization, Institute of Political Science, Grenoble, France, 2006. Greece: A Most Enthusiastic, Reluctant European. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Miami, FL, 2005. Europeanization as Policy Implementation: Effective, Efficient, and Democratic? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2005. Affect and Effect in Comparative Foreign Policy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Honolulu, HI, 2005. Emotion and Manipulation in Greek Foreign Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Columbia, SC, 2004. Europeanization and British Merger Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2004. Adaptation without Pressure? European Legislation and British Merger Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, 2004. European Integration and British Competition: Is this the End to British Exceptionalism? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Gainesville, FL, 2003. External Interventions and Domestic Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Richmond, VA, 2002. European Integration and British Competition Policy. Paper presented at the conference Britain and the EU: At its Heart or on its Edge? sponsored by the EU Center, University of Oklahoma, the British Politics Group and the British Consulate, Houston, TX. Norman, OK, 2002. Complexity and European Integration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, 2002. Elections, Policy Networks, and State Subsidies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2002. Globalization Lifts All Yachts, but does it Lift All Boats? Foreign Investment and its Effects on Alabamas Economy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2002. Foreign Investment and Its Effects on Alabamas Economy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Winston-Salem, NC, 2001. The Politics of State Subsidies in Industrialized Democracies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 2001. A Public Policy Model of US Foreign Aid. (with Rick Travis) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Lexington, KY, 1999. Foreign Investment in Alabama. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Lexington, KY, 1999. Ambiguity and Choice in Greek Foreign Policy. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Modern Greek Studies Association, Kent, OH, 1997. Structure and Performance in a Multiple Streams Model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 1997. To Sell or to Acquire? A Cyclical Model of British State Ownership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 1997. Toward a Framework for Improving Greek-Turkish Relations. Paper presented at the workshop Greek-Turkish Relations in the Post-Cold War Era: Tension or Detente? sponsored by the Sokrates Kokkalis Program on Southeast and East-Central Europe, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1997. Ambiguity and Choice in U.S. Foreign Aid Policy. (with Rick Travis) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 1997. The Privatization Policy of British Conservatives: Causes and Consequences. Paper presented at the workshop "Conservative Government, 1979-96," New York University, New York, NY, 9 December 1996. Comparing Three Lenses of Policy Choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, MA, 1996. Ambiguity, Time, and Multiple Streams. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, 1996. Allocation Criteria of State Subsidies in EC Countries, 1981-86. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, 1996. U.S. Food Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa: Politics or Philanthropy? (with Rick Travis and James B. Ward) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Atlanta, GA, 1995. Greek Policy toward the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Evaluation and Prospects. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 1995. When Opportunity Knocks: Policy Windows and the Quest to Sell British Rail. Paper presented in the annual meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Providence, RI, 1994. Greek Policy and the Macedonian Question: An Evaluation and Some Prospects. Paper presented at the fourth biennial Greek Studies conference on "Macedonia: From Antiquity to the Present," Hellenic College, Brookline, MA, 1994. Nationalism, Structure, and Small State Foreign Policy: The Greek Response to the Contemporary Macedonian Issue. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Washington, DC, 1994. FYROM's Nationalism and Greece's Foreign Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New York Political Science Association, Albany, NY, 1994. Ideas, Networks, and Policy Streams: Privatization in Britain and Germany. (with Christopher S. Allen) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 1993. Greek Security and the Crisis in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Paper presented at the international symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association, Berkeley, CA, 1993. Why State Subsidies? Evidence from the European Community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, 1992. Greek Foreign Policy and Yugoslav Macedonian Nationalism. (with Antony Moussios) Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Studies Association-South, Tampa, FL, 1992. Retreat of the State? Privatization in the United Kingdom and France. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Tampa, FL, 1991. Explaining Privatization in Britain and France: A New Institutionalist Perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, 1991. Privatization in Britain and France: Toward the Application of Three Models of Policy Choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, 1990. Arms for Aid: The Impact of Foreign Aid on Military Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa. (with Rick Travis) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Raleigh, NC, 1990. Transitions in Foreign Aid: The United States and the Horn of Africa. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Studies Association-South, Memphis, TN, 1989. Military Substitution Effects of Foreign Aid: Buying Guns with Foreign Butter? (with Rick Travis and Paul F. Diehl) Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Atlanta, GA, 1988. Other Participation Discussant, Panel on Democratization in Europe, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Tampa, FL, 2015. Chair and Discussant, panel on Greece and the Periphery in Crisis, annual meeting of the European Union Studies Association, Boston, MA, 2015. Chair and Discussant, panel on End of the Crisis or Crisis of the End? annual meeting of the European Union Studies Association, Boston, MA, 2015. Participant in workshop on Complex Transboundary Problems: EU and US Perspectives, co-sponsored by the EU Center of Excellence, University of California at Berkeley and Utrecht University, 2013. Presenter, Plenary Roundtable on Theories of the Policy Process: State of the Art, 1st International Conference on Public Policy, Grenoble, France, 2013. Chair and Discussant, panel of Federalism, Networks, and Multilevel Governance in Current EU Policy Dilemmas, annual meeting of the European Union Studies Association, Baltimore, MD, 2013. Presenter, roundtable on Professional Development: Publishing in Journals, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Atlanta, GA, 2012. Organizer and Chair of Workshop, Building Better Theories of the European Union Policy Process, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 2012. Chair and Discussant, panel of Theories of the EU Policy Process, annual meeting of the European Union Studies Association, Boston, MA, 2011. Chair, panel on Politics and Policy in the European Union, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, St. Petersburg, FL, 2010. Chair and discussant, panel on Human Rights: Norms versus Practice at the International and National Levels, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, St. Petersburg, FL, 2010. Chair, panel on British Policy in Europe, annual meeting of the Political Studies Association, Edinburgh, UK, 2010. Chair and discussant, panel on Challenges to European Integration, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2010. Co-Chair, panel on Academic and Non-Academic Careers in Challenging Economic Times, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, 2010. Chair, panel on The European Union II, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Nashville, TN, 2009. Chair, roundtable on Professional Development: Opportunities in Non-Academic Settings, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Nashville, TN, 2009. Presenter, roundtable on Challenges of Administering International Studies Programs: Alternative Models, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New York City, NY, 2009. Co-Chair, roundtable on Professional Development: Publishing, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New York City, NY, 2009. Presenter, roundtable on Administering International Studies Programs, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Ashland, VA, 2008. Co-Chair, roundtable on Professional Development, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, 2008. Discussant, panel on Views of the Middle East, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Savannah, GA, 2007. Conference Program Chair, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Birmingham, AL, 2006. Chair, panel on Global Environmental Policy, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Miami, FL, 2005. Chair, panel on Social and Economic Dilemmas in Europe, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, 2004. Chair, panel on Economic and Political Issues in Europe, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Gainesville, FL, 2003. Organizer and Chair of Workshop, Beyond the State and the Market: Competition Policy in the Transatlantic Community. Co-sponsored by the Department of Government and Public Service, University of Alabama at Birmingham, the EU Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and the EU Center of the University System of Georgia. The workshop was held in Birmingham, AL 2001. Conference Program Chair, annual meeting of the International Studies Association-South, Birmingham, AL, 2000. Chair, panel on Greek Foreign policy and Politics, bi-annual meeting of the Modern Greek Studies Association, Princeton, NJ, 1999. Chair, panel on The Fifth Republic at 40," annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, 1998. Discussant, panel on Policy Innovation and Diffusion, annual meeting of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 1998. Organizer and chair of workshop on Greek-Turkish Relations in the post Cold War Era: Crisis or Detente? Sponsored by the Greek Studies Group and the Kokkalis Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Held at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1997. Chair, panel on Greek Politics and Foreign Policy, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 1997. Discussant, Conference on Britains Role in World Affairs. Sponsored by the British Politics Group and the Institute of Government Studies, University of California at Berkeley, August 1996. Chair, panel on Greece in the New Europe, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, 1996. Chair, panel on Greece in the Balkans, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 1995. Discussant, panel on Comparative Parties and Policies, annual meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Providence, RI, 1994. UNIVERSITY SERVICE University Committee Service (Various years) - Global Citizenship Initiative - CAS Tenure and Promotion Committee - Faculty Senate - Senate Faculty Affairs Committee - Senate Arts and Sciences Committee - School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Library Committee - SBS Sabbatical Applications Committee - SBS Faculty Affairs Committee - SBS ad hoc Committee on promotion to Associate Professor - SBS ad hoc Committee on promotion to Professor - SBS Teaching and Academic Affairs Committee - International Student Academic Achievement Award Committee - Truman Scholars and Carnegie Fellows Committees - 15 departmental faculty position searches (6 as chair) - Faculty advisor to Political Science Club - Faculty advisor to UAB chapter of Sigma Iota Rho, international studies honor society - Faculty advisor to UAB delegation at the Southeastern Model Arab League Summit Community and University Service (Various years) - Chair, Articulation and General Studies Committee - Political Science Academic Committee, State of Alabama - Chair, Articulation and General Studies Committee ad hoc International Studies Academic Committee, State of Alabama - Member of Advisory Panel on International Human Rights, Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham - Executive Board Member, United Nations Association of the USA- Greater Birmingham Chapter - Assisted in plans to internationalize the curriculum at Hill elementary school and Ephesus Academy - Arranged for lectures to UAB community by two EU officials, a retired U.S. Army General, U.S. Presidential candidate Ralph Nader, Israeli officials, and the Vice-President of Guatemala - Published commentary and interviews on various issues to Birmingham area, national, and international media outlets including the Birmingham News, FOX 6 News, the local NBC affiliate, Alabama Public Television, The Atlanta Constitution, various local radio stations, San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, The Observer, La Opinion, Dallas Morning News, the Scotsman, El Mundo, Correio Brasiliense - Commented on developments in Europe at nationally syndicated shows: the Diane Rehm show at National Public Radio, the Insana Quotient at CNBC, the Morning Edition - Business News at National Public Radio, and PushBack at First Business. - Lectured on international studies topics to the annual MENSA meeting, Diversity Summit, New Horizons, Birmingham Episcopal Campus Ministries, and international students from all five senior Colleges in the Birmingham area - Lectured on various topics of European policy and political economy to London School of Economics, University of Lausanne, University of Heidelberg, Barcelona Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Institute of Political Studies-Grenoble, Social Science Research Center-Berlin (WZB), Institute of Political Studies-Bordeaux, University of Macedonia, University of East Anglia, University of Hamburg, University of Bamberg, Emory University, University of Miami, University of Houston, Temple University, Florida International University, University of South Florida, University of Colorado at Denver, City University of New York, Skidmore College, and Birmingham Southern College - External reviewer on tenure and promotion and dissertation committees at Temple University, University of Houston, University of Oklahoma, University of Colorado-Denver, Panteion University (Greece), University of Piraeus (Greece), University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Macedonia (Greece), and National Defense University - External reviewer on accreditation, School of International and Area Studies, University of Oklahoma - Have led student delegations for briefings at United Nations headquarters in New York City - Organized study abroad mission for briefings at UNESCO, OECD, the Atlantic Council in Paris - Organized study abroad mission for briefings at the European Union and NATO in Brussels - Organized study abroad mission for briefings at the Houses of Parliament and Whitehall in London - Organized study abroad mission for briefings at the Greek Parliament and Foreign Ministry, Athens - Faculty advisor to student teams on Model United Nations simulations - Faculty advisor to student teams on Model European Union simulations PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND MEMBERSHIP External Evaluator of Institutions, Departments, and Faculty, Hellenic Ministry of Education, 2014-present. Chair, Public Policy Section, European Union Studies Association, 2010-2012 (co-chair since 2012). Associate Editor North America, Policy & Politics. Member of Editorial Board, Journal of European Public Policy. Member of Editorial Board, Policy Sciences. Member of Editorial Board, Central European Journal of Public Policy. Member of Editorial Board, Poverty and Public Policy: A Global Journal of Income, Aid, and Welfare. Member of Editorial Board, Critical European Studies series, Routledge. President, International Studies Association (ISA)-South, 2001 and 2007. Vice-President, ISA-South, 2000 and 2006. Governing Council Member, International Studies Association, 2001. Member of Professional Development Committee, International Studies Association, 2007-2009. Program Chair and Overall Conference Coordinator, ISA-South, Birmingham, AL, 2000 and 2006. Executive Council Member, ISA-South, 2003-2005. External Evaluator of Research Proposals, Ministry of Education, Hellenic Republic, 2010-present. External Evaluator of Research Proposals, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2013-present. External Evaluator of Research Proposals, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2014-present. External Evaluator of Research Proposals, Research Foundation-Flanders, Belgium, 2014-present. Academic Associate, The Atlantic Council of the United States, 1997-1999. Campus Representative, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004-present. Program Chair, British Politics Group, 1999-2001. Member of Executive Committee, British Politics Group, 2001-2003. Chair, Samuel H. Beer Dissertation Committee, British Politics Group, 2001-02. Member of Executive Board, Modern Greek Studies Association, 2000-2002. Member of Program Committee, Modern Greek Studies Association 1999 and 2001 Symposia. Program liaison with International Studies Association and panel organizer, Modern Greek Studies Association, 1993-1999. Chair, Greek-American Studies Committee, Modern Greek Studies Association, 2000-2002. Member of Advisory Panel on International Human Rights, Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, AL, 2001-2003. Member of Board of Directors, Gulf States Committee, National Council on US-Arab Relations, 2001-2003. Executive Board Member, United Nations Association of the USA-Greater Birmingham Chapter, 1999-2004. Financial Times Executive Web Panel, 2004-2005. Member, American Political Science Association, International Studies Association, Council for European Studies, Policy Studies Organization, EuropeanUnion Studies Association, Modern Greek Studies Association, British Politics Group, and French Politics Group. Reviewer, American Political Science Review, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Politics, Political Science Quarterly, European Journal of Political Research, Comparative Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Political Research Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Policy Studies Review, Policy Studies Journal, Journal of Public Policy, Journal of European Public Policy, Politics & Policy, European Union Politics, West European Politics, European Political Science Review, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Public Administration, Global Policy, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Studies Perspectives, Perspectives on Politics, Critical Policy Studies, Poverty and Public Policy, Policy & Politics, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Governance, Social Science and Medicine, Asia Europe Journal, Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (the political science journal of Sweden), Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Oxford University Press, State University of New York Press, Palgrave, W.W. Norton, McGraw-Hill, Routledge, Wadsworth, and Pearson. Columnist, The Greek-American and Hellenic News of America, 1993-2001. CONSULTING Consultant to the U.S. Department of State on the political dimensions of the Greek crisis, 2011. Consultant to the Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, AL, on issues of international human rights, 2002-03. Consultant to the Government of Romania and the United Nations Development Program on issues of global democratization, 1998-2000. Consultant to Japan Local Government Center, New York, NY on the use of competition in U.S. state and local governments, 1997. Consultant to Gerard Aldrich, Representative, Saskatchewan State Assembly, Canada, on issues of U.K. telecommunications policy, 1995-96. GRANTS Faculty Development Grant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2014, co-PI with Lamia Benyoussef, to study civil society before and after the Tunisian Revolution, $6,400. Grant by the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2013, to study German, Italian, and Greek political responses to Europes financial crisis, $3,000. Grant by the Quality Enhancement Program Committee on Mid-Curricular Enhancement, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2010, to develop a course on food, religion, and violence in the Mediterranean, $5,463. Grant by the Political Studies Association, 2010, to attend the 60th meeting of PSA, Edinburgh, UK, $2,000. Grant by the International Studies Association, 2009, to fund a workshop on professional development during the annual meeting of ISA-South, Nashville, TN, $2,260. Grant by the Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics, 2009, co-PI with George Pagoulatos, to study political involvement in the management of the Hellenic Telecommunications company, $16,000. Grant by the Quality Enhancement Program Committee on Mid-Curricular Enhancement, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2009, to enrich a course on nationalism and world politics, $3,781. Grant by the Quality Enhancement Program Committee on Mid-Curricular Enhancement, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2009, to enrich the capstone course on international studies, $4,730. Grant by the Quality Enhancement Program Committee on Mid-Curricular Enhancement, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008, to develop a course on film and political propaganda, $3,961. Grant by the Sterne Library, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008, to develop the Librarys collection with books and films on political propaganda, $1,988. Grant by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2006, to complete a paper on Greek foreign policy and the Macedonian Question, $1,000. Grant by the Sparkman Center for Global Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2006, to sponsor activities related to global health during the annual meeting of ISA-South, Birmingham, AL, $300. Grant by the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, 2006, to sponsor a panel on international studies and ethics during the annual meeting of ISA-South, Birmingham, AL, $250. Grant by the International Studies Association, 2006, to fund 2 workshops on professional development during the annual meeting of ISA-South, Birmingham, AL, $840. Grant by the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, Birmingham Chapter, 2006, to fund Hellenic study programs, $1,500. Grant by the Office of the Provost, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2005, to design and coordinate collaboration among faculty involved in a freshman learning community, $14,000. Grant by the Pan-Macedonian Association, USA, 2005, to provide logistical and other support of a study on the Macedonian issue, $3,000. Grant by the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, 2005, Birmingham Chapter, for 2 scholarships to enable students to study abroad, $1,000. Grant by the International Studies Association-South, 2004, for 2 scholarships to enable students to participate in its annual meeting, Columbia, SC, $200. Grant by the United Nations Association-USA, Birmingham Chapter, 2003, for 2 scholarships to enable students to participate in policy briefings at the United Nations, $150. Grant by the European Union Center, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2002, to study competition policy in the European Union, $3,000. Grant by the American Political Science Association, 2001, to study state subsidies in Europe, $2,200. Grant by the Metropolitan Development Board and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2001, to study the role of local government in Alabamas economic development policy, $1,000. Grant by the United Nations Association-USA, Birmingham Chapter, 2001, for 3 scholarships to enable students to participate in policy briefings at the United Nations, $300. Grant by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, 2000, to study the impact of foreign direct investment on poverty alleviation in Alabama, $15,000. Grant by the Government of Greece, 2000, to offer advice and conduct research on programmatic issues regarding Modern Greek Studies programs in the United States, $2,000. Grant by the EU Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 2000, to bring together scholars and organize a workshop on competition policy in the transatlantic community, $5,000. Grant by the EU Center of the University System of Georgia, 2000, to bring together scholars and organize a workshop on competition policy in the transatlantic community, $2,500. Grant by the International Studies Association, 2000, to fund a workshop on professional development during the annual meeting of ISA-South, Birmingham, AL, $400. Grant by the American Political Science Association, 2000, to enable an English scholar to attend the annual meeting of APSA in Washington, DC, $400. Grant by the American Political Science Association, 2000, to enable a Scottish scholar to attend the annual meeting of APSA in Washington, DC, $400. Faculty Development Grant by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1999, to study the Macedonian Question, $5,000. Grant by the Government of Romania and the UN Development Program, 1999, to give advice and conduct research on democratization issues, $1,500. Research and Creative Projects Grant by the State University of New York-New Paltz, 1998, to study Greek-Turkish relations, $2,000. Term Faculty Development Grant by the New York State-United University Professions, 1998, to study privatization in Europe, $1,000. Grant by the Sokrates Kokkalis Program on Southeast and East-Central Europe, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1997, to organize a workshop on Greek-Turkish relations, $5,000. Research and Creative Projects Grant by the State University of New York-New Paltz, 1997, to study state subsidies in Europe, $2,000. Small Grant Award by the Foundation for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC, 1997, to study the Macedonian issue, $1,000. Research and Creative Projects Grant by the State University of New York-New Paltz, 1995, to study the Macedonian issue, $2,000. Term Faculty Development Grant by the New York State-United University Professions, 1994, to study the effects of the Yugoslav conflict on Greece, $550. Term Faculty Development Grant by the New York State-United University Professions, 1993, to study privatization issues in the United Kingdom, $750.     PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 20 PAGE 21 '-124JKvx    ' ( ) * 2 _  ʾ h3 6 h3 56hI1h3 mH sH  hh*ChIhkn0JjmH sH hI1hknmH sH hknmH sH jhknUmH sH hDmH sH hDhh5( h3 5h}Kh}@hhh3 jh3 U034JK* 1 ~       0f1$1$^ 1$1$ 0*1$    # 1 : @   * + C Q c p ! 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